Indoor Air Quality Services
One of the most important things you can do for yourself and family is to ensure your California home’s indoor air is clean.
Your indoor air is critical to your health and safety. You need to know the air you breathe in your home day after day is clean and safe. Unfortunately, an absence of odors is not a guarantee you have high indoor air quality (IAQ).
Indoor air pollution is much greater than our outdoor pollution here in Santa Rosa. In fact, according to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), your indoor air can be two to five times more polluted than the outdoor air. And we are all spending much more time indoors than ever.
At Enviro Heating & Air Conditioning, we know just how much of a health risk poor indoor air quality can be. That’s why we take indoor air quality very seriously and make it a priority to help you with yours.
What Causes Poor Indoor Air Quality?
Poor indoor air quality can negatively affect your health, especially if you suffer from chronic conditions like asthma or allergies. It’s critical to find the cause in your home and address it.Indoor air quality is affected by anything that releases gas or particles. Environmental toxins exist in your California home’s air from various pollutants—cleaning and personal-care products, smoking, burning of fossil fuel, and some types of treated wood and building materials.
Other contributors could be inadequate ventilation, unmaintained heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, and excessive moisture creating mold and bacteria.
Your Home’s Indoor Air Quality and Wildfires
Another contributor to poor indoor air quality in our Santa Rosa area is wildfires. You may not even be close to the wildfires, but the air pollution from the smoke and ash can still impact your health.The EPA warns the biggest threat is from smoke—its microscopic particles can get into your eyes and respiratory system. These particles can lead to runny noses, burning eyes, and illnesses such as bronchitis. Long-term exposure can trigger heart and lung diseases.
Wildfire smoke particles enter your home via open windows and doors, exhaust fans venting to the outdoors, and HVAC systems with a fresh air intake. Even small cracks around your windows and doors allow for infiltration.
How Can You Recognize Poor Indoor Air Quality?
Many times symptoms of poor indoor quality are mistaken as respiratory issues such as a cold or allergies. Common immediate health reactions are flu-like symptoms, dizziness, headaches, nose bleeds, fatigue, sore throats, and upper respiratory congestion.Continual or repeated exposure to indoor pollutants can result in more serious health conditions like heart disease, respiratory diseases, and even cancer. Avoid these possibilities by taking the proper precautions with your home’s indoor air.
What Enviro Heating & Air Conditioning Recommends
We offer the highest-quality systems, as well as those with the most efficiency and effectiveness, to help you achieve excellent indoor air quality. Our professionals have specialized training to install, replace, repair, and maintain many types of systems to promote superior indoor air quality in your California home.Though we work with several types of systems, the ones we recommend time after time with the greatest results are:
• Ultraviolet (UV) lights. We install UV lights in your HVAC system, so the UV light destroys the microbes in the air as the air passes through the lamp. The now-clean air circulates throughout your home.
• Air purifiers. We attach the air purifier to your existing heating system. The air purifier has filters to stop pollutant particles from passing into your home’s air. Depending on your needs, filters vary in type and material.
• Air filters. Our Enviro Heating & Air Conditioning team can help you select the best filter for your home and HVAC system to help catch harmful particles. We can also change your filter for you every three months, or as your heating and cooling system’s manufacturer recommends.
• Whole-house dehumidifiers. We attach the whole-house dehumidifier to your HVAC system to regulate your home’s humidity level by removing excess moisture from your indoor air. Too much moisture breeds mold and mildew, damaging your home’s interior and sending dangerous spores into your Santa Rosa home’s air.
• Whole-house humidifiers. Whole-house humidifiers work in the opposite manner of dehumidifiers. Like the dehumidifier, we attach this to your home’s HVAC system. But these systems distribute moisture into a too-dry atmosphere. A lack of moisture damages your home and can cause breathing and illness issues for you.
• Ventilators. We install ventilation units in conjunction with your HVAC system. Different ventilators like energy recovery ventilators (ERVs) and heat recovery ventilators (HRVs) help bring essential ventilation into your home to provide fresh air.
• Carbon-monoxide alarms. We install carbon monoxide alarms in your home to immediately alert you in the event of a dangerous carbon monoxide leak into your home’s air.
We Install, Replace, Repair, and Maintain Indoor Air Quality Systems
Our Enviro Heating & Air Conditioning professionals are highly certified and trained to work with all indoor air quality systems.If you are looking to expand your HVAC system to address your indoor air quality, we only install systems of the highest quality and caliber. We offer several financing options to help you with the purchase of a new air quality system or the replacement of a current one.
And when our indoor air quality experts make repairs, we only use top-quality parts and materials so you know your repair will last.
We also perform regular routine maintenance on these systems to keep them running at peak performance and help give you the cleanest air to breathe in your home. Talk to us about our Care Membership Maintenance Program to stay on top of your maintenance while saving money and accessing discounts and perks.